Friday, October 12, 2012


So there's this giveaway on this website for twine and washi tape. It's a tad bit nerdy to be bloggin about how much I want this twine and washi tape, but I really would actually see if I could have a shot at getting this. So to get an extra entry, you have to share this give away on your Facebook, Twitter, blog, etc. And since I don't have a Twitter, and I'm to dumb to figure out how to share it on Facebook, I thought I'd use my blog. So ergo, I'm talking about this giveaway on my blog and am about to post the link to the giveaway right... now...

Sunday, September 2, 2012



I love Fall. Words can't express how much I love it. Even just thinking about it now I can smell the wet leaves and the dirty ground (if I may so as to quote one of my favorite White Stripes songs)...

It reminds me of camping too. Which makes me love it even more. I can just smell the campfire now. And feel the inside of my fuzzy jacket and the hot cocoa mug in my chilled hands. 

At night sitting by the fire we could hear the cackling of our neighbors in the campsite next to us. Occasionally we could hear the bush leaves shift from the hungry raccoon hanging around waiting to see if he could sneak some scrapes. And after a long night of feeling the heat from the fire and hearing the stories we had to share, we'd awake to the sound of chipmunks and the smell of bacon. We'd scurry outside and see the breakfast potatoes cooking on the fire, and the bacon sizzle alongside. 

Then after we ate, we'd just lounge around most of the time. But none of us minded. We'd sometimes venture out and seek the trails that I love. Camera in hand, you could just call me the happiest girl in the world. 

After the trails we'd come back for dinner. Everything cooked on the fire. But that's why it tasted so good. Then we'd start it all over again - the fire, the stories, and waking up to that heavenly aroma of the popping bacon on the hot fire...

Camping will always be a part of me. I don't think I'll ever have a greater vacation, or a greater feeling then the one I feel when we start to drive to the campsites. So thanks for the great memories (and more to come) Mom and Dad. I can never repay you for them.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Well I don't really have time to edit and share the photos I took whilst at thy zoo (hopefully I can do that soon), so I'll just share this card I made instead. 

I actually quite enjoy this card. I drew some inspiration for this puppy from a blog I look at for card ideas. I'm really surprised I came up with this card because usually when I see I card I love, I always feel like it needs to be exactly like the person made it. But this time I started with the inspiration and came up with a different card along the way. So to sum all this jabbering up, I'm happy!

Random: Only one hand has had painted nails for a whole day... I need to change that... 

Random 2.0: I can't believe it's August 1st! 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Favorite Place

There's a place that we go to in Florida with the sweet little name of Treasure Island. Every time I hear that name I get butterflies just thinking about how much I love being down there. It's quite a drive. Some 20 hours of scenery for me to look and ponder over as we make our way to the island. There's something about that town, that motel, that sand, that sends shivers up my spine (but in a good way). 

I can't wait till the day I walk on the sand to pick up that shell that caught my eye while I try to remember that feeling of that sand between my toes...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Me and my Mom play Peanuts (the card game) almost everyday. I used to never be able to come close to what she would play. But know, that's a different story :)

We play pretty even now that we've played everyday for who knows how long. In fact, I beat her 3 days in a row. Yes, that does in fact mean that I have been "Champion of the Universe" for 3 days. 

I've been playing with the SpongeBob cards since we started playing Peanuts. And as you can see they're pretty worn in. The 4 of clubs has multiple taped-wounds. 5 of hearts in missing a corner. And the list goes on. So I guess I'll be using these until they break in half. Which I'm sure will be very soon. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

I Love...

Old barns. I had the privilege to view and photograph one when we went over to a friends house for a delicious diner! So I thought I'd share this photo I got.  

They also had a dog who was very nice. He looked happy the whole time. Guess he's just one of those dogs!

Random: I'm watching Sherlock Holmes 2 and I never realized Robert Downey Jr. could do an accent. (I'm still partial to Sherlock (PBS)!)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Yard Sale

A few days ago we had a yard sale at our friends' house. We had quite a lot of items (or "crap", as we all say) to sell. Mom always has stuff to sell. Always. She always find stuff to pitch. Our basement shall forever be taken up by stuff that we "can sell at the next yard sale." 

I always quite (this word reminds me of Alice in Wonderland...) enjoyed yard sales. I guess I like the memories that come along with them verses the hours I get to sit outside I watch people buy things. 

My view from my seat.

I am not ashamed to say I ate these throughout the hours of sitting in front of them...

We sold cookies along with all our other stuff. Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies are their name. But they should be called "Heaven's Creation". Trust me when I say, that is be no means far fetched. If you taste one you might even hear singing...

A very kind gentleman bought 6 cookies. Then after he left, he came back to ask if we could buy the recipe. We told him where he could find it (since it was on the Internet). Now he can die happy.

Well, in the style of Porky Pig, that's all folks!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Little Cone-Head

I came home from my friend's house to find Jett in a cone. Mom had mistakenly told me he had a collar on when she should have said cone. So it was a shock to me and I couldn't help but laugh because I always find cones on animals funny.

He had to get the cone to prevent him from licking his tail. His tail had gotten bit from a cat (they discovered after they shaved off the fur). It got really bad because we let it go a little too long because he never acted like it was a bite, he acted like it was just an irritation. We had scheduled him to go in on Tuesday but he was outside and didn't come around by the time the appointment came. So we had to schedule it for Thursday since they were closed on Wednesday. So that part was his fault!

Sadly though, if the wound doesn't heal correctly, he'll have to get his tail amputated. So we're hoping it will heal correctly and soon. 

He hates the cone. Hates it. Plus he has to stay inside till Monday. We're prolly going to keep him in a little longer. It's torture for him though. Plus he has to be given antibiotics twice a day. And medicine of his tail. He's practically going crazy.

(In the second one he looks like he as a cape/coat with a big collar! :P ) (He's so miserable in the last one) We took his cone off for a little tonight. He's going crazy right now! He loves it. But, unfortunately for him, we have to put it back on tonight. That's the price he has to pay for getting tangled up with another cat.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Little Post

A quick post today! I made this card for a friend's grad party. I thought I'd share :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I got a Minnie shirt the other day. I love it! Fits real nice :) I love shirts like this. Just graphic tees. They're kinda my weakness. But it's nice because all my shirts have become to tight (from growing [sorta]/eating [most likely]) so I have an excuse to get more! 

Since I'm slowly running out of ideas to post I thought I'd share my shirt... (how exciting)

I don't think I can ever stop buying graphic tees. No matter how much I have or how much I don't need them. I mean, it's what I wear most. So I say I can never have to many graphic tees :)

Monday, June 11, 2012


I loved stickers when I was little. And I still do. LOVE THEM. I still buy stickers for pleasure. And I still like to use them to decorate my notebooks and things :) I don't think I will ever grow out of that. Or Lisa Frank products. If I had a choice, all my office supplies would be Lisa Frank.

Anywho, my friend got me these yesterday. I love them! Especially because the SpongeBob sticker in the middle is one of my favorite faces he makes! 

Sunday, June 10, 2012


We went to Goodwill a few days ago. I'm not a fan of Goodwill. I mean, don't get me wrong, I believe there's some cute stuff in there. It's just... I just don't like it. I feel extra... germ-y when I go in there. I just try to touch as small of amounts of stuff as I can. I don't know why I'm like that at Goodwill and not the Village Thrift. It's just that Goodwill gives me the "heebie-jeebies", if you will.

So since I was bored out of my mind (well... I wasn't that bored. But it really felt like it.), I decided, 'You know what? I think I'll blog about this and how Goodwill gives me the creeps.' So ergo, I'm typing this now. 

I just so happened to have my camera so I thought I take some pics of the rather... interesting items and things I saw. "Enjoy" (SpongeBob voice :) )

1: I found this shirt... I have no clue what man would wear this (At least, I think it was a man's "blouse")
2: This dome thing-y leads to the entrance. It seems so... important looking for a Goodwill. I don't like it.
3: I found these boots. I kinda like them! They look like 19th century women's shoes they wore with those large, poofy dresses. 
4: I found this shirt and gasped! Love that it says "Yeah, I'm pretty super" I thought of my sister when I found this... she'd prolly wear it.
5: Saw this uber creepy baby doll sitting amongst the purses... talk about heebie-jeebies. Now you know why Goodwill makes me uncomfortable. (Do you see how its just staring... *shiver*)
6: Your welcome... I guess.
7: I managed to get some things. Always need to make sure they are washed...

Side-Note: Watching a movie and there's a horror movie preview. And the baby in picture number 5 is slowly getting creepier...

Thursday, June 7, 2012


This little guy decided to hang out on the deck a few days ago. It was nice to see because they rarely come very close. So I thought I better get my camera to capture this little birdy. I was certain that he would fly away as soon as i got my camera, but he didn't! I was super pleased.

These are definitely one of my favorite birds. I love how they're called Mourning Doves. And I love their call. There's something sad about it. I guess that's why they have the word mourning in them. Also they have muted colors. I love that. If you look long enough, you can see how beautiful those colors really are. They're lovely shades of grey and brown. Really beautiful. 

Their call is very... comforting, for a lack of a better word. It reminds me of camping and fall/early spring. Anything that reminds me of camping sends my stomach in a whirl, that warm fuzzy feeling. Oh how I love it so. :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


   Today I went outside to sit on our new bench to do school. Mom was out there too of course (she's outside when ever the sun shines); so that meant the house was empty. Bunny (our cat) was alone and didn't have Mom beside her. She didn't know what to do. So she did the first thing she could think of. Whine. And whimper. And cry. You know, what she does best.
  So I slid the slid the screen door open that she was pawing at only to find she had no interest in venturing outside in unfamiliar territory. So I shut it. 
   Soon I hear he whining again. Well I thought I'll try one more time. So I opened the door once more and after a long time calling her to come outside, she slowly stepped down and walked to the tree on out deck. I shut the door for her, because she didn't shut it herself. How rude!
   So she sniffed around and acted like she had entered a whole new world where few people have entered. When little did she realize she had been staring at it out our french doors for more than 10 years. Typical her. 

Jett decided to join in on the party!

Side-Note: I'm hungry. (Dinner is coming and my stomach can't wait!) (But then again, I'm always hungry.)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I haven't posted in a while. Been incredibly busy. I would love to share some pictures I took of the cards I made and the dove that was sitting on the deck a few minutes ago. But alas, they need editing. And I don't have time for that right now. So later...

I got a giant planner. So hopefully I can "schedule" that in one day.

Also, another random fact, I rolled up my pant legs a little yesterday. And I liked it. I thought it would look a little funny since I'm the size of a 12 year-old (no, I'm not 12.). I guess I was thinking it would make me look shorter. But it didn't! Ergo, I was pleased. 

I'll prolly* have to do this from now on, since my pants are to short. It hides the fact that I don't like paying for new jeans. I mean, it costs a leg to clothe a leg. 

So I just thought I post this incredibly important info today. Thank you.


*Prolly is "probably" in Napoleon Dynamite terms. It is also the only way I can say "probably" now.

Monday, April 23, 2012


So last Monday I got to go to go see Lights (thanks to the present I received from Sissy and Jon). It was a pretty small place and boy was it crowded. But after losing all hope of being able to see over the giants (that's what those people felt like to me), somehow we managed to wiggle our way as close as we could so I could actually see her and one/two of the band members. So it was a blast! I got some pictures. As much as I could get without getting that one girls head/arm/hand in the picture. I'll share one today, and maybe some more later. Just got to get around to edited them...

Friday, March 30, 2012

My Photo

I edited this awhile ago. I took the bike pic in my grandparents backyard. And I believe I took the cloud pic in Florida. Anywho, just thought I'd share!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


We have this cat (I now can't say that word without being ridiculed by my own brother (in-law). Sigh, I guess some things never change.) named Jett. We found him close to 3 years ago in our backyard. Well, as the story goes for most animal lovers that find a stray, he's been with us ever since. 

Today Jett decided he wanted company and a nice warm bed to sleep on (that's me). So he jumped up, got comfy, and went to sleep. He may have been comfortable, but I wasn't. So I ended in that cramped and confined position for 2 hours. Man did my neck hurt.

Ah, the things we slaves do for our masters (that's the cat, in case you didn't get the memo.).

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kingly (or rather, Queenly)

So the other day I got this amazing pen from a couple I've known for a long time. I absolutely love this pen! I've appropriately named it "The Rainbow Scepter". I shall use it for writing Queenly decrees and notes. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


So a little while ago I started this car-ride game with my sister. It was a hour long drive so it provided a lot of opportunities to spot semis. Yes, I did say spot semis. So the whole car ride we were looking for all the colors of the rainbow semis. We ended up finding all the colors, and more. We found brown, black, white, grey, and various shades of colors. But the most important one we found was pink. We found pink. When you start looking at all the semis, you're going to notice there's never pink. But we found it. And yesterday, I found it again. It was a great victory.

Now to you this might be strange. "Psh. Who wants to look at semis. How boring." But when you have time to kill in the car, like I do, it gets quite enjoyable. So the next time you want a family game to play in a hour-or-so-long car ride, perhaps that can be one that is played.

Now the game has changed a little on my part. Now I count how many semis I see on the road and I record their colors. I only count the semis that are being occupied by human beings. 

Here are the statistics I've accumulated over the course of 16 days (one car ride per day, not 24 hours straight. I'm not super human, nor can I see in the dark because it's very difficult to see what color semi it is in pitch black.) (Note: this is approximate, I'm neither super human nor blessed with amazing math skills and attention span.):

Pink: 1
Maroon/Burgundy: 14
Red: 156
Dark Coral: 1
Burnt Orange: 5
Orange: 28
Yellow: 31
Neon Yellow: 1
Mint Green: 1
Green: 31
Teal: 6
Blue: 139
Navy: 12
Indigo: 1
Periwinkle: 3
Lilac: 2
Purple: 30
Brown/Tan: 6
Cream/Light Tan: 2
Black: 51
Grey: 9
Pewter: 1
White: 463
Silver: 11
Gold: 8
Two-Colors: 30
Three-Colors: 4
Semi with art painted in the side: 1
Semis with flame designs: 2

So as you can see, white wins by a lot. The most white semis I've seen in a day is 69. So because of how much I see them, I'm beginning to not like white semis. If I ever start a trucking company, I will NOT, under any circumstances, own. white. They will vary in color, but mostly contain bright pink. (Don't worry I won't start a trucking company, though it would be nice to see more pink semis on the road.)

So I hope you guys appreciate that because that took a lot of brain power, which I have very little of. *

*If you read this all the way through, I'm sorry. This must have been incredibly boring to you because no one cares about semis but me. 

Fun Fact: Optimus Prime is a semi in his spare time.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Beatles

"Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Di, Life Goes On."

I edited this today. I had this song in my head for a few days. But I thought it was a fitting verse for the things that have gone on recently. When something bad happens in your life, sometimes you just got to say, "life goes on." Perhaps that's why it was stuck in my head...

"Hey Jude"
"Take a sad song and make it better."
"For you well know that it's a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder"

I also edited this today. This song is always in my head. I have certain songs that are always in my mind and I'll shuffle through them everyday. 

But this is also fitting for things that have happened recently. But in general I just wanted to make this because I love these lyrics, they're one of my favorite lyrics of the Beatles, and just in general. I think they have a lot of meaning just in the few words. 

I think it's amazing that the Beatles music will never go out of style. Other artist come and go. But the Beatles have remained since they're start over 50 years ago. They had such an impact on how music is made today that all music should be credited to them! 

But sadly there are still people who don't know the Beatles and perhaps won't listen to them just because they're "old." But good music is timeless. Good music's never forgotten. Music has the power to travel generations and to live on. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I just created this outfit and I really want that feather earcuff. I also want everything else. But I really love this outfit and I would wear it in a heartbeat. Just thought I'd share since I haven't posted since I really have nothing to talk about til the middle of April really. Although something exciting might pop up on the way.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Man that Became a Bat

So I finally watched Batman. The new ones with Christian Bale (who is from the UK, which I would have never guessed). They were fabulous! The only thing I didn't like was how Rachel was a different actress in The Dark Knight. That really bothered me. But I got over it.

But what I loved most about Batman is the Joker. I think he is my favorite villain. And for some reason I never caught that these characters in the movies don't have super powers. I have no clue why it took me 16 years to figure that out. But I found that to be intriguing.

Anywho, back to the Joker. I never thought of the Joker as a real person. I never really thought he had a relatively normal life. But then it went down hill. What I found interesting was how his father was the one who influenced him in such a way that the Joker decided to be the bad guy. And that his father was the first one to say "Why so serious?" His father also gave him his signature scars.

Another thing that amazed me was that the Joker actually showed up at one point with no make-up (I also never realized it was make-up). It really caught me off guard. He looked normal. That is if you removed the scars and the menacing look...

He also had a wife. And she left him. No he did not kill her, she left. I found that baffling.

But the sad thing is that the actor that played the Joker so well passed away before the film was released. That's sad because he really did an amazing job playing the Joker. He really managed to get into the twisted mind frame of the Joker and still bring real human emotion to the character. But really the Joker only has to emotions, anger and laughter. But still.

So on that note, why so serious?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Newly Discovered

So I found this website called Polyvore. It's basically a website for people to share outfit ideas I guess. I just did my first outfit today. Though, it really isn't an outfit. I was just testing it out and exploring the site. So I made more of a art piece, I guess you could say. 

But the cool thing is it gives you hundreds of item pieces and tells you "wear" (sorry, I just had to make that joke) to buy them. So this dress in my "thingy-do" that I made is from and is $55. So if I ever get a spare $55, I may buy this dress because I love it so much. But I hate ordering clothing online because I can't try it on. Anywho, that's besides the point. 

I think I'm going to like this site. But it's just another time waster, so I don't know how often I'll use it. But I will try to use it because I like fashion and I can style outfits, which is what I do best. The only problem is I'll never get to wear it. Oh well.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pan to Bana in a comfy chair by the fire place knitting with her reading glasses and a cat. "Thank for joining us on Discussions with Bana."

*Cue intro music


"Sponsored by today's Color: ORANGE. 

"Fact about orange: it's a lonely fruit. 
Pick an orange up at your local market or a crayon box.
Thank you. 

"Today's topic is yogurt (\ˈyō-gərt\). I'm going to be talking about what I did to my yogurt. How I made it my own. Because nobody likes plain old yogurt. Making yogurt fit to your needs is what should be done. Notice the picture on your TV screen.

"I added granola for some crunch. Because no ones likes liquid yogurt. I also added some delicious strawberries for color. Oh no, that aren't just for show. They had the summer twist you need against the cold, harsh and frigid yogurt. And to top it off I added heavens creation - chocolate. 

"But don't be fooled by this complex creation. Don't think it's a parfait. Let us look together and see what the definition of a "parfait" is."


 noun \pär-ˈfā\

1 : a flavored custard containing whipped cream and syrup frozen without stirring
 : a cold dessert made of layers of fruit, syrup, ice cream, and whipped cream

"So as you can see, a parfait is made with ice cream. But I have selected yogurt as my choice. So my creation shall be called by it's proper title - Yofait. 

"Join us next time for the discussion on the topic of (insert topic here)."

Cue cliché music 

Sponsored by The Dogs Who Wear Costumes Foundations (DWWCF). 

"To help dogs in need of costumes. If you know a dog in need of a costume, please contact us at or at our number 555.555.5555. That's 555.555.5555. Again, that's 555.555.5555. Thank you in advance for your generous donation." "With your donation you'll receive a photo and information on dog you provided with clothing he needed to help his or her self-confidence."

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I Always Struggle With Coming Up With Titles. So I guess I Shall Consider This One.

Today's word is: Odious

I wanted to start this post out with a word of the day. I've had this word in my head all day. It just keeps repeating itself. Odious, odious, odious, odious, odious, and so on until I say it out loud.

Now on to the second reason I posted. Idol.

Yes American Idol. I only know of one person that objects to watching a second of this show. And that's my sister. But I don't blame her. I wouldn't watch it either but somehow, every single year of the 10 years it was on, I watched it. Even when I didn't want to. I just did. And this year I watched it again. Even though my favorites all go home first and the one I didn't want to win wins, I still watch it. I think the reason why is because we have for almost 11 years. It was a part of my life that I look back on. I look back at each year I watched and saw how little I grew (I just got a kids menu about 2 weeks ago, she didn't even ask), how much anticipation I had to come home and watch it, practically yelling at the judges, yelling at the contestants. There's something about watching Idol that makes me reflect on the fact that another year has passed.
   I'm not a big fan on change. I mean, I always sit in the same seat, I always sleep the same way, I always study my book in rainbow order, and the list goes on. So I think cutting out Idol that's been with me for 10 years would be to much of a change for me.

And now I realize how easy it is to blab on a blog.

Here's a cat.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

First Post

Well I made this blog because of two reasons: to use it to enter giveaways from other blogs, and to just see what having a blog is like. Sorry if I disappointed you.

So this blog may just be a bunch of completely random posts because I myself, am random.

Here's a kiwi.
