Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Yard Sale

A few days ago we had a yard sale at our friends' house. We had quite a lot of items (or "crap", as we all say) to sell. Mom always has stuff to sell. Always. She always find stuff to pitch. Our basement shall forever be taken up by stuff that we "can sell at the next yard sale." 

I always quite (this word reminds me of Alice in Wonderland...) enjoyed yard sales. I guess I like the memories that come along with them verses the hours I get to sit outside I watch people buy things. 

My view from my seat.

I am not ashamed to say I ate these throughout the hours of sitting in front of them...

We sold cookies along with all our other stuff. Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies are their name. But they should be called "Heaven's Creation". Trust me when I say, that is be no means far fetched. If you taste one you might even hear singing...

A very kind gentleman bought 6 cookies. Then after he left, he came back to ask if we could buy the recipe. We told him where he could find it (since it was on the Internet). Now he can die happy.

Well, in the style of Porky Pig, that's all folks!

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