Friday, October 12, 2012


So there's this giveaway on this website for twine and washi tape. It's a tad bit nerdy to be bloggin about how much I want this twine and washi tape, but I really would actually see if I could have a shot at getting this. So to get an extra entry, you have to share this give away on your Facebook, Twitter, blog, etc. And since I don't have a Twitter, and I'm to dumb to figure out how to share it on Facebook, I thought I'd use my blog. So ergo, I'm talking about this giveaway on my blog and am about to post the link to the giveaway right... now...

Sunday, September 2, 2012



I love Fall. Words can't express how much I love it. Even just thinking about it now I can smell the wet leaves and the dirty ground (if I may so as to quote one of my favorite White Stripes songs)...

It reminds me of camping too. Which makes me love it even more. I can just smell the campfire now. And feel the inside of my fuzzy jacket and the hot cocoa mug in my chilled hands. 

At night sitting by the fire we could hear the cackling of our neighbors in the campsite next to us. Occasionally we could hear the bush leaves shift from the hungry raccoon hanging around waiting to see if he could sneak some scrapes. And after a long night of feeling the heat from the fire and hearing the stories we had to share, we'd awake to the sound of chipmunks and the smell of bacon. We'd scurry outside and see the breakfast potatoes cooking on the fire, and the bacon sizzle alongside. 

Then after we ate, we'd just lounge around most of the time. But none of us minded. We'd sometimes venture out and seek the trails that I love. Camera in hand, you could just call me the happiest girl in the world. 

After the trails we'd come back for dinner. Everything cooked on the fire. But that's why it tasted so good. Then we'd start it all over again - the fire, the stories, and waking up to that heavenly aroma of the popping bacon on the hot fire...

Camping will always be a part of me. I don't think I'll ever have a greater vacation, or a greater feeling then the one I feel when we start to drive to the campsites. So thanks for the great memories (and more to come) Mom and Dad. I can never repay you for them.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Well I don't really have time to edit and share the photos I took whilst at thy zoo (hopefully I can do that soon), so I'll just share this card I made instead. 

I actually quite enjoy this card. I drew some inspiration for this puppy from a blog I look at for card ideas. I'm really surprised I came up with this card because usually when I see I card I love, I always feel like it needs to be exactly like the person made it. But this time I started with the inspiration and came up with a different card along the way. So to sum all this jabbering up, I'm happy!

Random: Only one hand has had painted nails for a whole day... I need to change that... 

Random 2.0: I can't believe it's August 1st! 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Favorite Place

There's a place that we go to in Florida with the sweet little name of Treasure Island. Every time I hear that name I get butterflies just thinking about how much I love being down there. It's quite a drive. Some 20 hours of scenery for me to look and ponder over as we make our way to the island. There's something about that town, that motel, that sand, that sends shivers up my spine (but in a good way). 

I can't wait till the day I walk on the sand to pick up that shell that caught my eye while I try to remember that feeling of that sand between my toes...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Me and my Mom play Peanuts (the card game) almost everyday. I used to never be able to come close to what she would play. But know, that's a different story :)

We play pretty even now that we've played everyday for who knows how long. In fact, I beat her 3 days in a row. Yes, that does in fact mean that I have been "Champion of the Universe" for 3 days. 

I've been playing with the SpongeBob cards since we started playing Peanuts. And as you can see they're pretty worn in. The 4 of clubs has multiple taped-wounds. 5 of hearts in missing a corner. And the list goes on. So I guess I'll be using these until they break in half. Which I'm sure will be very soon. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

I Love...

Old barns. I had the privilege to view and photograph one when we went over to a friends house for a delicious diner! So I thought I'd share this photo I got.  

They also had a dog who was very nice. He looked happy the whole time. Guess he's just one of those dogs!

Random: I'm watching Sherlock Holmes 2 and I never realized Robert Downey Jr. could do an accent. (I'm still partial to Sherlock (PBS)!)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Yard Sale

A few days ago we had a yard sale at our friends' house. We had quite a lot of items (or "crap", as we all say) to sell. Mom always has stuff to sell. Always. She always find stuff to pitch. Our basement shall forever be taken up by stuff that we "can sell at the next yard sale." 

I always quite (this word reminds me of Alice in Wonderland...) enjoyed yard sales. I guess I like the memories that come along with them verses the hours I get to sit outside I watch people buy things. 

My view from my seat.

I am not ashamed to say I ate these throughout the hours of sitting in front of them...

We sold cookies along with all our other stuff. Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies are their name. But they should be called "Heaven's Creation". Trust me when I say, that is be no means far fetched. If you taste one you might even hear singing...

A very kind gentleman bought 6 cookies. Then after he left, he came back to ask if we could buy the recipe. We told him where he could find it (since it was on the Internet). Now he can die happy.

Well, in the style of Porky Pig, that's all folks!